Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Embarrassing mistake?

MIND OUR ENGLISH Friday June 8, 2007

Made by only one Malaysian?

ANOTHER embarrassing mistake by a government agency ...

MSC Malaysia should learn how to use English properly before proudly declaring to the world that it is spearheading transformation. This (left) was spotted at the MSC Malaysia pavilion in One Utama, where a movie carnival is being held. – David, Kuala Lumpur

After reading the above article, I wrote on 12JUN07 to The Editor of Mind our English my comments (reproduced below) which have yet to receive a response:-


I fefer to MIND OUR ENGLISH of June 8, 2007 regarding

Made by only one Malaysian?
ANOTHER embarrassing mistake by a government agency ...

MSC Malaysia should learn how to use English properly before proudly declaring to the world
that it is spearheading transformation according to David, Kuala Lumpur who alledged
that "PROUDLY MADE BY MALAYSIAN" is incorrect, but is it really so when Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia ( has defined that the word

Malaysian may refer to:
Anything related to Malaysia or its people, especially:
Malay language, a language spoken by the people in Malaysia.
Malaysians, the citizens of Malaysia.
Malaysian Chinese, Chinese citizens of Malaysia.
Malaysian Indian, Indian citizens of Malaysia?
Thanks and regards,

Kengt, Penang


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